Monday, May 23, 2011

Unchangeable Joy!

It has been a while since the last post, yet certainly this has not been because I lacked any ideas to write about!  I have never had a better heart to distance running… never broader or deeper or more serving to the many needs which regularly drift through my consciousness as a human being.  If you run distance… rather if you have some love of being Nomadic within and without… then it is my only hope that distance running is fitting into a winning place within your soul.  There is an unchangeable joy in the ardent quality of it! 

I find myself regularly pressing the issue with staying true to running holistically.  Today I found the revelation of the "opportunity to run” (that is running when the opportunity best suites) having a far better place within, than running after a specific effort… or demanding certain "mileage" or "pace rate".  Remarkably recovery happens regularly!  This staying true to pre & post run diet needs, hydration, rest/sleep, eating fairly right and training intensity need.  Of course all these ‘distance running issues’ happen so much better with an open heart and mind!  

Here is another perspective, for running wild merits us better perspectives daily!  I realized that I spent 4,701 seconds running yesterday morning.  To me a simple average time to run… an effort to suite the human soul.  I also wondered what the possible condition could be of the human soul which does no work or has no labor.  I could not imagine the condition of the heart and mind which resists the very design of their humanity.  What really happens to the soul which resists themselves in inactivity? 

Certainly we all know the physical ramifications of inactivity, but what liberation of mind… what lifting of the spirit is also missed!  So, can you tell me just how many second this day you ran wild and gave your soul to the efforts of your humanity??  As many of us know, there comes so much good of it!    

In wildness is the preservation of the world.”  ~ H.D. Thoreau      

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