Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer Roads, Winter Trails!

It has just become clear that through multiplied thousands of miles I have covered; through the roads and trails of southeastern North Carolina; that a pattern has developed!  The summers have turned out for the open road and for miles of farm country and open air, while the winters have lent themselves to the trails and secluded woods.  Today I have better understood the real cause to this trend.

Let’s begin with summer roads.  Usually when I have been running consistently, the adaptations to the heat index and humidity of the south makes the challenge of the open road in summer surprisingly pleasurable.  The heat of the open road becomes a huge sense of accomplishment where many fear to travel.  Having said this, the open roads of North Carolina are beautiful, yes… yet they are often the only place most bearable with respects to BUGS!!!  Yes, insects that bite and pester are resident here!   Heading up the list are deerflies, horseflies (elephant flies!), mosquitoes and 10,000’s of nats… they mostly keep themselves to the shelter of the woods and trails. 

The summer roads are also free from North Carolina’s plethora of skin tearing briers, poison ivy, poison oak and tics!  MMmmm… the distance runner’s obstacles!  Instinctively, I have therefore gravitated to the open roads regardless of the extreme heat and use the opportunity for conditioning and change.  Besides, through the summer feet killing roots, rocks and holes become hidden in overgrowth!  Who is willing to purposely risk injury??  It’s the open road for me! 

With regards to the winter trails?  I have figured that no matter what, in the winter it is going to be fairly cold. (Side note: Having grown up in Up-State New York, I know this statement of “cold” is relative!!)  Annually I accept the cold and do not restrict or draw back from time on my feet covering miles.  However, all the obstacles of the trail, which I mentioned, change so much here in this region without the hazard of any significant snow, ice or wintery mix!  AAhhh… North Carolina!  The open road through this time can actually be far more hazardous.  Have you ever wondered how people in NC drive in winter weather?  THEY DON”T DO IT WELL!  So!  Through the fall and winter everything opens up in the woods and trails… by-ways and paths actually become open and clear for detailed travel on-foot!  So, I do slow my pace for the different kind of dance associated with trail running and woods, yet ‘not-with-standing, go out to meet it’!!

These are my two seasons of running which I have known, yet only today have become clearer!  Run strong, run true! 

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