Sunday, September 16, 2012

Prospects of LIFE

All men want, not something to do with, but something to do, or rather something to be.
~ H.D. Thoreau

The holistic distance runner looks for new prospects every day.  Prospects of life in prospects of running... "rather something to be."  LIFE is here for us.  It seems to me that every day should be a vibrant tracing out of the vision we have for the expression of our life.  Here-in is the pause... a question we must ask ourselves... "How can I obtain and secure a vision which is who I am in order to pursue it?"

It is easier than many might think: Passionately seek, follow after and gather those things which interest you. Those things "closest to the bone"... work for them, and towards them, in study with the intention of a better humanity when you turn out.  The expression of YOU, within THIS pursuit, will be your visionary life!

The wonderful thing about distance running is that it allows the interests, the passions and the dearest things you know to melt together under the merits of effort and toil.  There... out in the air... we blend spirit, mind and body WITH these in the strength of a unified effort.  A new wine fermented with every effort! 

The established distance runner... prime from experience with themselves... has an avenue of inspiration which regularly restores their vision for life.  In these respects the indigenous... the nomadic... have had this avenue of vision far before us.  They have benefited from the expression of distance running as their travel was a result of the demand of their LIFE.  All that came with their efforts was accepted as natural... a by-product... just WHO they were/are.  Beautiful. 

Sometimes I wonder why modern man seems to think they NEED so much just to make their distance running a success?  We just need our own humanity.  Cheers, HD Runners! 


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