However, most distance runners will never get to the real “walls” erected by our genetic potential. Why won’t these many distance runners reach their genetic potential? Lack of vision, understanding and intelligence. We are confronted with the vital reality of these each time when we set off down the road. Why a “regular” or “normal” person would dare continually subject themselves to such a vivid glimpse of themselves. This is precisely my point, the holistic distance runner if firstly not “regular”. Secondly, it is the distance runners cardinal duty to face themselves, their conceptions, ignorance’s and lack of vision. It is duty to grow as human beings.
Moving forward one can clearly see that distance running will regularly and consistently acquaint the practitioner with experience. Volumes of experience! As we have inevitably crossed paths with in our own running lives, we have experience with failure, experience with unaccomplished goals and experience with confronting our limitations. It is not that these experiences have been blissful or pleasurable; it is they are vital bridges to personal fulfillment. These experiences will be intimate, unavoidable facts in every distance running life. Now here is the question... How do you think Christopher here below confronted his ego?
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