Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Power in Their Name

There is something great to be gained in the study of good peoples’ lives.  It is important to immediately interject that "good" does not mean "perfect"... for humanity has long been far from this!  Good here means pure, of kind and noble spirit... passionate and connected to natural life.  Running this land, as the Native Indians did, has been my beginning.  Distance running is a celebration of our primitive design.  Doing so with heart, thought and with empathy is an enhancement to our humanity.
Now crossing the path of collecting the artifacts that evidence them!!!  When we come across the presence of human life and occupation, we collect their "Names" as well! Hundreds and thousands of Names... names representing people groups each one. To collect and accept is to grasp the power in their unknown Name. Each articulate expression, etched in rock, is a powerful statement about a singular "Who".
Deeper still is the ability to esteem their "Name" when its evidence slides across our fingers... to honor the "Being" as equal in humanities story.  I think this is one thing we have many missed.  To grasp and contemplate the Person (evidence in hand) as a contributing force to our own humanity... so worthy of esteem. 
Ancient people's have for too long been ill esteemed by the likes of our Modern generation. That we could assume technology, and the presumption of technologies importance, as a stamp of authority??!!  What have we done? 
Esteem for the peoples of ancient life must be grasped and given!  Our "power" is, and has always been, presumptuous. THEY were the Majority Race. They were NOT striving for the "modern life" we have distorted... they were walking after THEIR life. It was never ours. 
So, in discovering the expression of ancient life, in the power felt in their Name as it crosses our fingers, we are allowed to touch the life of the Majority Race.   Rather it always seems to  "touch" us.  We then pause for a moment and become more human. 

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