Sunday, April 6, 2014

Such Great Innovation??

The following transcript is an excerpt from LIFE AMONG THE APACHES (J.C. Cremony, 1868), and was such a touching comment about the realistic contrast in post-modern man's presumption and pre-Columbian mentality.  It is modified very slightly for modern terminology.  Specifically speaking the transcript is clearly about the North American Indian.  The place you now sit and land you now use was once Theirs.  The tricky little secret is that most every one of us DID NOT inherit it!

"When will the modern man every become wise, and, instead of treating the Indian with scornful indifference, give him credit for his intelligence, his quick and remarkable instincts, his powers of reflection and organization, and his inveterate opposition to all innovation?  Many have been too much in the habit of treating the Indian with contempt, and underrating our passionate enemies.  This has been a serious blunder, the rock upon which so many millions of money and so precious lives have been wrecked.  Is it not time to accept a new policy in the Indians regard?

Will civilized people ever learn that they are quite an obtuse to comprehend the real Indian nature as the Indians to understand civilization?  Can they not see that their haughty, self-sufficiency and overbearing conceit, are quite as reprehensible as the Indians ignorance, distrust and superstition?  The Indian is pardonable in his mental darkness, but the modern man IS INEXCUSABLE IN HIS LIGHT."

To those who love humanity after reading that, it seems silence is the best friend of a multitude of broken hearts.  Cheers to all.


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