Monday, June 2, 2014

Sacred Order, Ancient Honor

In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind… with the ancient is wisdom; and in length of days understanding.  ~ Job 12:10-12 

I have paused one hundred times to consider the life of this North American Indian above... 

He lived and died in the Canadian regions.  It is certain that he and his lived with sacred order and with ancient honor.  It seems that for too long we have not rightly considered the virtue of the People who were here before us... for They were the Craftsmen {Craftswomen}, the hunters & the gatherers.  Although I am locked into a post modern civilization, I try to promote the honor of the ancient.  For it never occurred to Them to promote themselves.  This just would not have been Their sacred order.

Archeologically they have unavoidably and inevitably left the trace of Their lives behind for us to gather and for us to learn from.  These strong, innovative Craftsmen knew balance, aesthetics and efficiency.  We do well to save the expressions they left behind.  They were the Majority Race of mankind... and They loved, felt, needed and wanted just as you and I.  

Now, all the lands of treasure are ready to gather again.  So much dirt laid open with ages never seen before.  So many miles of crops freshly set within these lands, and so many thousands of rows.  The life of man lays silently and waits.  All is locked in store for time appointed.  The day is not yet, and the rains have not come, yet the Indian trace waits silently... anciently. 

As the People now, our responsibility rests on the ready. Our hope fills and overflows. Our expectations level themselves.  When all the lands of treasure are ready to gather...

Cheers to all!  

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