Sunday, July 24, 2011


"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you have imagined." 
--H. D. Thoreau

There are many things we experience which are intangible to touch and to feel if one does not pass through them for themselves and with absolute reality.  These are things which change something within and you cannot share “this” change.  It is yours alone.  But since sharing is what we live for, and what we are best designed for, you can share somewhat of what they are... 

For example, I went out into the Kingdom of Crickets throughout this past week running in Maryland!  I had the delight of a grand symphony, and was daily greeted by the Little Masters of their music rolling through the stillness of the pre-dawn air with penetrating consistency!  They were the Masters there.  I then saw & experienced another intangible as for properly “sharing” with words alone.  The soft, rhythmic pulsing of fireflies had been happening without my notice.  Their beauty is there for a moment… placed drifting in their travels… spontaneous and direct they shout silent life.  When I say that the soft, blowing breeze was nice it does not speak of its full force… of how it drifts in unseen and wraps around you in 85% humidity, then lifts you up and restores your soul!   

These are intangible things one must go out to meet and tastes them not within closed walls. To enjoy one must make an effort in finding the place where bravery leads.  There, in quietness & solitude, discoveries are made daily. 

The beauty of the soft, plodding rhythm of a distance runners foot plants.  There you understand why tribal and indigenous people of the world have times where for hours they play drums… full of energy, softly, rhythmic, strong.  Rolling, rolling, rolling… they call the soul.  How many would really come to know that out there foot plants moving forward… dancing gently… are the expression and joy of their beating heart?   Out there in the Kingdom of Crickets sifting after the intangibles.  Now Go! 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Demand Nothing, Expect Everything

With all our demands and all our expectations as human beings, we must pause and think as runners... we face a paradox.  As varied as the possibilities of human anatomy and physiology, is as varied the outcome of any and all distance runs.  It is therefore neither wise or prudent to predict the outcome of ANY distance effort.  Relaxing into effort and adversity is not the natural order of any human being, but it is the solution.  Therefore it is good to consider and take to heart the way we feel when we head out to the open road or to the switching trail.  Run out taking to heart the past efforts we have recently made.  Flow out softly making the right considerations of environment and challenge, but yet just as equally -- disregard what our natural make-up would demand of us.  Disregard what we might assume of ego and ability that the run is going to be, or what the run is suppose to be.  We can open our hearts with broadness to whatever our heart NEEDS each long distance run to be.  This freedom is available to every long distance runner, that choice is liberty.  Leaving once again and demanding nothing ~ returning once again and expecting everything!  LIVE STRONG, RUN Strong!