Friday, February 27, 2015

Without The Benefit of the Ancients

It would seem that with respects to our immediate understanding of the great dispensations of time immemorial here in North America, and our understanding of how the crossing paths of specific sociological adaptations has deeply affected humanity in North America, we might well be too young to grasp such graphic, inevitable changes.  Our understandings are immediately subject to the current Modern Age we are in… without the benefit of the Ancient Age we have changed.

In the brevity of 500 years the sacred land of the North American Indian has been
the basin, the foundation if you will, to the material culture the entire world could not, and will not, do without.  The overpowering influence of electricity, industry, agriculture & technologies alone evaporate the ability to understand the influence of the Majority Race here in North America.  However, a good heart still unfolds mysteries for the benefit of their character.    

Evil & greed were not the materials created, or the technologies developed, BUT evil & greed has been within the hearts of mankind.  This is the substance which has forever hurt humanity... the North American Indians were on a similar line as to all shattered humanity.  However, it has been exclusively Their land, and Their lives (no other peoples in the world) which provided the world with extreme material comfort and ease. The Conquest of North American laid the foundation for the Industrial Revolution.  Although many millions have cared for lost humanity (of which I am included), the industry of the world was inevitable.

With that said, catastrophically altering a race of man, the North American Indian, in the space of 200 years cannot give we, who are inside the force of Their change, the understanding we yearn for of Their People.  We remain outside the reality of Their lives… separated by the fate of our own formation.    

So the best many can do (of whom I am one) is study and collect the knowledge of
The North American Indian from every approach possible.  Search the testimonies of the way they lived, loved, dreamed, fought and died; find the tangible trace of  their life-way in tools and art; and the touch their People and bloodline. We can understand more, we should endeavor to understand more, yet will never grasp the effects of this colossal change until we look at it from the other side. All honor and sympathy to the North American Indian, both past and present. Our devotion true. 

A Smile In Sadness

I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to
depend simply upon himself.  Shooter ~ Teton Sioux

It stands to reason that if we stepped back a thousand years into the history of North American; possibly the year 1015 AD; there would be a virtually untouched multitude of people.  The wild and Nomadic tribes of the North American Indian.  Important here is that we understand that "wild" is NOT synonymous with "un-kept".  For in truth it is just as Henry David Thoreau said, "Some are dinning in our ears that we are Americans, and moderns generally, are intellectual dwarfs compared with the ancients".  It is these Ancients which we would see and feel, and these Ancients which would trace their own lineage through multiplied thousands of years.   

The lives of the North American Indian, who's artifacts are still found throughout the land, were mobile and mercurial by Nature and by necessity.  The Indians nomadic natural was a compliment to their original Design.  Which is so important to remember in looking at the complete plan for mankind here upon the earth.  

Moving forward... If by chance in 1015 AD there had been no subsequent European influence, conquest or injection of pandemic disease... If the current settlement of these United States, as we understand them to be, never happened in the following centuries after 1015 AD, the life of the North American Indian might well today be relatively unchanged.  We immediately think of this as something negative... for we are "moderns".  However, there is virtue to the contributions of every decent race of man.  

Moving forward this produces one deeply moral and ethical question that needs consideration:  Would it have been better for the world... better for humanity... if the North American Indian was never contacted? 

No. It is one of the saddest answers I might ever consider when one understands the history of the North American Indian after European contact.  Inevitability is a force effecting all of us.  As has been the influence and contact of selfishness, greed and hatred.  With these kindness and decency have readily been placed aside.  I will end this easily for those who have ears to hear... there is hope and He meant what He said when He visited mankind.  He guides me daily with a smile in sadness.