Monday, March 7, 2016

Human Layers

When we cover the land in this post-modern world, it is almost impossible NOT to cross over the many evidences of humanity past.  Although often unseen, evidence is everywhere.  However, with respects to the "ancients" this earth has hosted, there is a story of their passing.  It stands to reason that no matter where on the earth you might look for humanities passage, no matter where simple study goes deeper into subsequent anthropology, humanity has unmistakable layers. HUMAN LAYERS which have taken eons of time to build up.  These are signatures and whispers of lives once lived and customs once kept.
North America holds a strong volume of multiple millenniums which have been filled with the layers of life: The LIFE of the North American Indian. No matter where, and not matter what People, if they were ancient, they were also Nomadic.  If one actually collects the artifacts of the North American Indian they also gather up "layers" of Their lives; historic significance and straight evidences; which usually exceed us.  It is amazing to cover the land and have this kind of opportunity! 
One great thought in relation which passed today was that ancient life required motion. Life still does!  Everything in life is already moving.  The Great Mystery is finding a harmony for our lives if possible WITHIN this motion.  The reality is that humanity does hold different "harmonies".  These expressions are the "layers" of our humanity and the signatures of our culture.  Siting still; engaged in nothing; has forever been a sign of death. All across the world ancient people still follow the Nomadic rule.  Life often demands it of them.   

In the fourteenth century after Christ, in North America, the colossal collision of the ancient North American Indian and European materialism began.  The clash of resilient and self-sufficient Nomadic life began confronting a comfort based and dependent material culture.  Two Layers in collision.  The results were inevitable... and unavoidable. Only one significant “Layer” of the two could flourish and survive here.

So this is the brief of what has transpired through the beginnings of this land called North America. Multiple millenniums of human layers have told their stories.  The North American Indian was systematically conquered, murdered and assimilated.  This is one of the sad stories in humanities layers.  Regrettably there are one hundred similar sad stories across the globe.  All this has happened to the North American Indian... until the great motion of Life changes the course of this United Sates "Layer" once again.  These understandings are worth our humility.

Be well & learn well!  Stand for something, or fall for anything!  Cheers!


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Our Vast North American Humanity!

~ Reflection ~ 
This picture (by Curtis) reminds me of a million mysteries. The image is NOT "made-up", and the image has NOT been "staged".  We many have believed we know how it has all happened. For so many have understood the clear historic evidence... however, we have also missed much. We live here, so it is OUR history to investigate.  The Nomadic life has been before us right here.  The capacities of ancient dispensational truths have exceeded our greatest ability to truly discern.  However, the many ages have laid out their whispers.

We have multiple, major civilizations of North American Indian which have appeared and vanished far before this land became our home.  Speaking of the magnificence races of North American Indian alone... How can the modern mind conceive?  Just think of the vast, intelligent North American races of the Adena, the Hopewell, the Mississippian and the Anasazi... ALONE?  Amazing!  For there were FAR more!  You might ask, "Who were they?"

The North American Indian dispensations and civilizations in many ways exceeding our own.  These outstrip our grasp and concept of spirituality astrology, engineering, mathematics, mechanical organization, and social structure.  It will only take a short study of these People to be overwhelmed!

Let's look at a very brief historic summary: 

  • The Adena People with the detail of their great spiritual race, understanding of metallurgy and colossal undertakings of earthworks/mounds, some only discernable from the sky. 
  • The Mississippian People with their amazing grasp of mathematics, engineering and huge constellational associated pyramid mounds requiring generations to build. 
  • The Hopewell, who maintained one of the highest degrees of trade and exchange with a system to receive materials from all over what is now the United States & Mexico.
  • The Anasazi People, with incredible executions of food production, colossal water diversion, engineering, unique pueblo architecture with planned community spaces, and many buildings clearly aligned to capture the solar and lunar cycles.  
This is only a BRIEF to these incredible Masters in life.  They were right here.  Each and every dispensation of North American Indian, stretching out time and reality with unquestionable evidence of their Majority Race. Many civilizations vanishing with little explanation... often through violence proven and mysteries unanswered.  The "scarlet thread" with every Culture was a high degree and existence for expressed spirituality.  All undertakings mentally and physically clearly flowed down from the attention to their spiritual consciousness. The evidences are clear in every archeological chapter sifted!   It is amazing! 
With the grand spectrum of their personalities, the subsequent appropriation of their society was unique and colossal. Organizations, administrations and leaderships did not lack for any society.  Believe it or not, most all the artifacts we find daily/weekly PRE-DATE these discussed People!  Which is to clearly say that the artifacts in this immediate image are from ages far before the listed civilizations.  IMAGINE!   These artifacts move back further into the pre-history of the Stone Age Indian in this land!  Just a great look at OUR vast North American humanity!