Monday, March 17, 2014

In Any Great Undertaking

The truth of the ancient life is a matter of natural sustenance .  That is, we ALL crave the deepest true of the way life has set up.  Knowing the truth {and this starts through the acknowledgement of the dispensations of man, and the acceptance of the colossal faults of mankind} always opens the door on the possibility of becoming more human.  BEING more Noble never just "happens", but we must make the choice daily!  Becoming more of a human being is something most people hunger for... finding the way feeds the hunger!

A few good starting points which always seem to help me forward are... I ask myself,
"What things do I do, which collect my attentions every day, make me more ready
to understand enlightenment when it comes?", and "How do I prepare myself spiritually, intellectually and physically to make a foundation for this truth to find a place within me?"  Understanding the truth of life, and not resisting it either way, is the open door to becoming more human!
The greatest secret about change is that we need to be open to it -- no matter what we think or feel of it. I really believe the Native Indians could understand.  Even as the image above by G. Catlin, titled - "A Vanishing Race", the Majority Race of multiplied thousands of years, knew and understood that change was happening.  As in any case, some did resist, yet most accepted and moved forward the best they could.  What is most pitiful and sad is that such an honorable race of man were never helped by us!  

It is my belief that their ancient life carried a greater merit of grace because it proceeded the age of materialism and sloth which we now live.  It seems the more materialistic a man is, the less humility is a fragrant of their life. It is not that we should not be blessed and have "things", yet so many have turned and the "things" now have them!  The more slothful a man is, the woefully more dependent and ready to eat anything set before them - good or evil. 

We who collect the ancient life, through artifacts and study, press ourselves into the fellowship of the majority of mankind.  This Majority has no other alternative but to move forward with change... to work to survive... to uphold others... to free themselves of expectations... and to covet generosity as a means of gaining another friend. As one wise Sioux Indian once said, "I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself." 
LIFE touches life! ~ Indian Trace

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Compared With The Ancients

Some are dinning in our ears that we are Americans, and moderns generally, are intellectual dwarfs compared with the ancients.  ~ Henry David Thoreau

Finally!  Indeed there is a plus and minus for the explanation due between “professional” archaeologists and we who in no lesser terms are indeed “archeologists” as well!  I join so many concerning the sentiments shared of government assumptions and their presumption that they have any type of claim to our freedom OR identity.  To those who understand the Constitution or the Bill of Rights… to those who dare travel back further to see and understand pre-Colombian North America, we know the gross presumption of those who work for US in government.  The truth; which is small; of their spoken disdain for “looters & pot diggers” is only well placed for the few inconsiderate collectors that are dishonorable about any archeology, any grave site respect and any need to clean up or maintain after them-self.     

However, “the government” is completely wrong about any rights THEY might have to lands or sites which were NEVER theirs to possess and neither are they theirs to maintain.  Because they have assumed power through our tax dollars, they maintain stolen sites and lands from subjected, murdered ancient races of untold numbers.  Sadly scandal after scandal they went… following greed and dishonor.  Yes there is good in the reality of National Parks, and I have visited virtually all, yet that they think they themselves to have any “rights” at all to ancient sites BEFORE “we the people”… we rightly call a farce.

Many now realize that we are now in the midst of a people and a group of collectors who know far more about the spirit of The People, and the artifacts which represented their lives, than many critical “officials”.   I will add that there are indeed MANY great and wonderful anthropologists who support what we do… who uphold and cherish what we discover… and in many cases wish they were not subject to the “system” which often keeps them from their fascination.  Some are humble & gracious and others have slide off into the world.

I suppose we who have a clear spirit (not presumed, but of transparency)… who only look to uphold and educate (to the reality of what is historically true and truly recorded)… who in every respect approach our evidence of the Majority Race with deepest honor… who spread generosity and accountability for every saved artifact… and who guide our own destiny by a sacred code of good conduct and good wisdom… well, we should stand tall with our truest pride! 

We know that the Ancient needed no “pat on the back” and no thanks for the lives they lived, of wildness and nature they went.  They have such a place within our soul and we have the capacity for the strength of their lives!  They understood nobility, commitment, passion and beauty… they understood good and bad and why they needed to defend one or the other.  We call them the Majority Race because they have exceeded us not simple in occupation, yet in many respects LIFE.  We are the ones who daily collect the beauty of their memory.

The desert winds would salt their ruins and there would be nothing, no spirit or scribe, to tell any pilgrim in his passing how it was that people had lived in this place and in this place had died. ~ Cormack McCarthy

Cheers to all ~ Indian Trace