Sunday, November 24, 2013

Connected By Sociology

How we have all been socialized! Every eye which now reads these words, every runner which keep a regular practice, every social habit, good or bad; we are all a product of our environment. In this truth there is no alternative, no other way of development - for every human is a unique design with highly impressionable social capacity. In all the people this world holds, different social and cultural groups, there are common social traits that do connect us all. There is a Designed, Universal Consciousness. The distance runner runs to celebrate these exact connections woven into the fabric of our social Identity. The holistic distance runner naturally reflects on the greater humanity when running, while someone running for mere fitness or social benefit runs with their ego in mind.

Most mature distance runners employ their running as a tool to broaden their capacities. Most Master distance runners employ running as a method of becoming more of a human being. Though the latter is seldom practiced for selfish reasons. You see, Holistic Distance Running carries a price with it far too costly for the novice... an effort to ardent. Distance running is primarily a "self" sacrificing practice. Yes, there are satisfactions and a sense of accomplishment, but they are not at all natural. The established distance runner is such a rarity because it removes a person from superficiality. The physiological demands of distance running are always very broad, and never a two the same. Distance running is indeed a social practice in and on every continent of the world... though in a post modern world it is a choice and not a life demand. It can be a "hobby" and not a matter of life or death.

To be connected by Universal sociology in upholding the simplicity of the running life is a great inclusion of one’s personhood to humanity. For we all are designed for motion. The majority of the world’s population naturally employs traveling distances on foot as an inseparable part of their social fabric. Traveling great distance on foot daily is common. Indeed humanity in these demands is unable; as we so readily do; to separate themselves in their activities. They live fully; spirit, mind and body; being unable to leave off any part of themselves for their own daily need. 

Monday, September 30, 2013


When given an acceptable heart; that Universal spiritual awareness that every man has; the holistic distance runner chooses what they believe to be the greater good in confrontation: Daily facing their real and perceived potential. In most every case our “real” potential is hidden behind presumption, socialization and culture. The potential “presumed” is nothing more than a slight pulling force towards a desired actuality. So, in every quest outward there stands a ready ego killer fronting the distance runner with human limitation.

However, most distance runners will never get to the real “walls” erected by our genetic potential. Why won’t these many distance runners reach their genetic potential? Lack of vision, understanding and intelligence. We are confronted with the vital reality of these each time when we set off down the road. Why a “regular” or “normal” person would dare continually subject themselves to such a vivid glimpse of themselves. This is precisely my point, the holistic distance runner if firstly not “regular”. Secondly, it is the distance runners cardinal duty to face themselves, their conceptions, ignorance’s and lack of vision. It is duty to grow as human beings.

Moving forward one can clearly see that distance running will regularly and consistently acquaint the practitioner with experience. Volumes of experience! As we have inevitably crossed paths with in our own running lives, we have experience with failure, experience with unaccomplished goals and experience with confronting our limitations. It is not that these experiences have been blissful or pleasurable; it is they are vital bridges to personal fulfillment. These experiences will be intimate, unavoidable facts in every distance running life.  Now here is the question... How do you think Christopher here below confronted his ego?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Run For Your Depth

What is all our running for?  The age old question re-visited.  We have so many types of runners... so many different reasons for running.  Granted, it is not important for any of us to say what distance running "must be" for anyone, but it broadens me to stretch myself for the reasons which I myself run.  To regularly re-break the threshold of age old understanding of humanities pursuit of running long distances.  Indeed we are clearly spiritual at the core of our design; cognitive & bright of intellect (most of us!); and we are deeply nomadic in our physical needs and make-up.

This having been said there is a wonderful quote from WILD, An Elemental Journey (Jay Griffiths).  She says, "Nomadism is like an original fire in our wild minds; we stole it from the gods, and we made it into our own, leaping to new places, quickening to motion, curious and light as flame.  The keen urge has never left us to take a flitting tent and fling it under the stars, then swing on at dawn, on an elemental journey.  That is how to burn most brightly.  That is how to catch like wildfire." I cannot imagine any holistic distance runner NOT celebrating the spirit of what she writes!

I decided to write this post after some time off because of the picture of the week to the left... LOVE.  After another couple thousand miles of running, it continues to occur to me that the basis for the modern distance runner; who continues in their practice for holistic development; seems to be for greater depth of life.  A greater spiritual, intellectual and physical depth will give us the greatest package of love we could have to share.  Sharing this "package" is what life is all about.  

Sure, the origins of distance running are surrounded in basic and utilitarian need.  However, in modernity we do not need to run for our sustenance physically... but how we DO need to run for our connection to our humanity!!  We run for our depth!  All the distance runners I have enjoyed reading, or had the opportunity to speak with, have a broadening capacity for depth and love and respect of humanity.  A capacity to understand suffering and joy.  This reality is an amazing thing!

What makes the image to the right so rich is because it indicated the core of what is most important to us... LOVE.  Probably love which is bigger than our own views of it... for this mother is a refugee.  She does not know where she is from or where she is going; she does not know where today's food for her child will come from or if she will have food today at all; she has no documentation of identity, no possessions to speak of, no job or source of income and she has no concept of our modern world.  She is in the lost world... BUT she does have love.  Probably greater love than we have understood.  Look closely at her now. 

Of the many reasons I run... I run for my depth.  Do you?  Cheers!            

Monday, February 18, 2013

Strictly Archaic

'Strictly Archaic' means committed to the very basics of life.  It has been a long time since I have turned so much of my inspiration to a Post!  With deepest respects to the ancient life I trace while land-running, and the "finds" I have come across... I will speak strictly archaic.  The "term” actually resonates with me because this is the essence of many people’s hearts when they lace their shoes up and make ready for their regular distance run.  Our mind releases itself to a strictly archaic place where we will not simply be outside, yet we can actually become a part of the wilderness!  Our running expression is no less "wild" than the ground we cover & air we breathe!  Holistic Distance Running!

My trails across the ancient life!  Listen closely to the following quote: “The desert winds would salt their ruins and there would be nothing, no spirit or scribe, to tell any pilgrim in his passing how it was that people had lived in this place and in this place had died. ~ Cormac McCarthy” (Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanche, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History)  This last year in land-running; covering some 3,000 miles; I have traced the steps of the American Indian.  I have been discovering their ancient hunting grounds.  It has been unforgettable!  Life & running has changed for me! 
As for archeology, the last month has been relatively slow.  The earth has been silent and undisturbed by machine.  Still, with the keen understanding gained of sacred places, I have still been able to return to the earth and find the abundant traces of their steps… for the Amerind were daily after the needs of their life and the food which would sustain them.  Through this season of the winter rye grasses, small fruits of ancient stone work in arrowheads can still be discovered IF the location is exact.  The images attached continue to tell of their pilgrimage!

To make a long story short; strictly archaic; these small tokens are feasibly the oldest remains of our own humanity findable.  They average 4000BC and each piece speaks through ages untold of an individual’s desire, ambition, need and personal expression.  If we could take a moment to peel away the layers of our own materialism… if we could sink back through our own modernity… then this people’s life might be seen for its purity & strength and help our own expression.  But as it is today, the year 2013, most cannot imagine the basics of human life and the joys which might inherently exist in our own instinct.    

THIS is the place where holistic distance running helps bridge the gap!  Run on long distance runners and think of life differently!  The universe is wider than our views of it.” ~ H.D. Thoreau